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What is J On The Beach?

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J On The Beach is an international rendezvous for developers and DevOps around big data technologies.
It is a pure technical conference with workshops, a hackathon and technical talks where top speakers will share the latest trends in technologies related to Big Data. From data collection and stream processing to architectures, microservices, container systems, etc.
Building on the success of the previous event, JOTB preserves the ambiance and simplicity of its previous edition and is limited to 400 attendees.
JOTB is crafted by a Committee that represents local tech communities as well as the world of the JVM and .Net technologies.
/ * Why J On the Beach? * /
J On The Beach started as an idea between some members from different technological communities and companies located in Malaga whose aim was to gather all tech communities together in the area to learn from the best speakers and trends within the Big Data sector.
The event gained the support from most public administrations in the Malaga region and became a platform to promote the area and their companies as a tech hub.
Our host company Valo has been supporting the first and second edition. The reasons behind this are multiple and while one reason is that it forms part of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the company, another very important reason is that it is very valuable to listen to and learn from these communities, as well as give back to them. Other reasons for Valo's involvement include:
  • To educate and raise the calibre of IT developers in the area.
  • To provide an environment for developers to share experiences and grow in their careers.
  • To make the rest of the world aware of the interesting developments taking place in the South of Spain.
In return, companies like Valo expect to raise the profile of Malaga and the South of Spain as a tech hub for talent and attract more talented people to the area.
Currently JOTB is a perfect example of joint forces with the same purposes: Educate, Share, Spread and Learn.
17th MAY 2017




Learn from key players in Big Data and their latest experiences




Collaborate with others to build a Big Data use case

18th-19th MAY 2017




International speakers from leading companies sharing their best practices




Mingle with top executives and promising developers & DevOps