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Event Sourcing in less than 20 minutes - With Akka and Java 8 - Kiki Carter - JOTB17
Jepsen Talk - Kyle Kingsbury - JOTB17
Akka.NET: The Future of Distributed Programming in .NET - Aaron Stannard - JOTB17
Agile and compliant firewall ACL configuration management for DevOps - Ildefonso Montero - JOTB17
The maze of organizational readiness for Big Data solutions - Francesco Vivoli
Distributed Sagas: A Protocol for Coordinating Microservices - Caitie McCaffrey - JOTB17
Rewrites in Real Life - Camille Fournier - JOTB17
Case: BIG Data solution for a Fintech Core Informational System - Luis Estrada - JOTB17
Real World Java 9 - Trisha Gee - JOTB17
Mastering Deployments with Kubernetes & OpenShift- Edson Yanaga - JOTB17
Taming distribution: formal protocols for Akka Typed - Roland Kuhn - JOTB17
Mesos and Container Schedulers: Landscape and Practical Experiences - Paul Wilson and Stephen Gran
Up and running with chat bots: A journey from being a noob to being awesome - Manthan Dave - JOTB17
Custom Query Languages: Why? How? - Anjana Vakil - JOTB17
Securing the Internet of Things - Ara Pulido - JOTB17
Just-Right Consistency: Closing The CAP Gap - Christopher Meiklejohn - JOTB17
Uniting Church and State: FP and OO Together - Danielle Ashley -JOTB17
ScyllaDB: NoSQL at Ludicrous Speed - Duarte Nunes - JOTB17
Learn how to build Functional Reactive Applications with Elm, Node.js and Infinispan
The Computer Science behind a modern distributed data store - Max Neunhöffer -JOTB17
Agile experiments in Machine Learning with F# - Matthias Brandewinder at JOTB17
The trouble with distribution & pugs - Inés Sombra - JOTB17
Designing and Running Performance Experiments - Rob Harrop -JOTB17
Cosmos DB - Dharma Shukla - JOTB17
Develop, Deploy, Iterate Often - James Allerton-Austin - JOTB17
Building Applications with Streams and Snapshots - Stephan Ewen - JOTB17
IoT to promote democracy and transparency - Alicia Asín - JOTB17
Making Security Invisible - Jessica Frazelle - JOTB17
Managing 10,000 Node Storage Clusters at Twitter - Boaz Avital -JOTB17
Location - Without all the hype - Sergio Álvarez Leiva - JOTB17
High Performance Managed Languages - Martin Thompson -JOTB17
Declare Victory with Big Data - Clemens Szyperski - JOTB17
Dynamic data visualization - Santiago Ortiz- JOTB17
Aaron Stannard - CEO of Petabridge interview at JOTB17
Alicia Asín CEO at Libelium Interview at JOTB17
Anjana Vakil interview at JOTB17
Ara Pulido Interview at JOTB17
Boaz Avital Interview at JOTB17
Caitie McCaffrey Interview at JOTB17
Camille Fournier Interview at JOTB17
Christopher Meiklejohn Interview at JOTB17
Clemens Szyperski Interview at JOTB17
Danielle Ashley Interview at JOTB17
Dharma Shukla Interview at JOTB17
Duarte Nunes Interview at JOTB17
Edson Yanaga Interview at JOTB17
Eric Ladizinsky Interview at JOTB17
Francesco Vivoli Interview at JOTB17
Galder Zamarreño Interview at JOTB17
Ildefonso Montero Interview at JOTB17
Inés Sombra Interview at JOTB17
James Allerton-Austin Interview at JOTB17
Jessica Frazelle Interview at JOTB17
Jörg Schad Interview at JOTB17
Justo Ruiz Ferrer Interview at JOTB17
Kikia Carter Interview at JOTB17
Kyle Kingsbury Interview at JOTB17
Luis Estrada Interview at JOTB17
Manthan Dave Interview at JOTB17
Martin Thompson Interview at JOTB17
Mathias Brandewinder Interview at JOTB17
Max Neunhöffer Interview at JOTB17
Pablo Musa Interview at JOTB17
Paul Wilson and Stephen Gran Interview at JOTB17
Rob Harrop Interview at JOTB17
Roland Kuhn Interview at JOTB17
Santiago Ortiz Interview at JOTB17
Sergey Bykov Interview at JOTB17
Sergio Álvarez Leiva Interview at JOTB17
Stephan Ewen Interview at JOTB17
Trisha Gee Interview at JOTB17
Tyler Akidau Interview at JOTB17
Yara And Vinicius Senger Interview at JOTB17
John McGann Interview at JOTB17