Jelastic was founded in 2011 by Ruslan Synytsky, Constantin Alexandrov and Alexey Skutin with the mission to provide Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js or Python developers with an easy way to setup application environments and deploy applications quickly. In order to accelerate their path to market, the founders built relationships with several hosting service providers to market the software.
Their choice of going to market through web hosts led the company to build a solution that provided all of the features of a sophisticated PaaS (like Heroku) but also integrated the key elements of infrastructure-as-a-service (like Amazon). Their hosting customers demanded a full vertical stack that could be installed on bare metal and be easily managed with turnkey features like billing integration.
Jelastic’s hosting solution was immediately successful, allowing hosting providers to compete with Amazon, Google and Microsoft with a sophisticated platform that provided end-users with a powerful PaaS with features that surpassed those of the competition. Only Jelastic provided vertical scalability features for optimal density. And only Jelastic allowed developers to run their applications without any code changes or modifications for proprietary APIs.
In 2013, the Jelastic team including Ruslan Synytsky (CEO), immediately embarked on taking Jelastic’s product, now deployed at over 30 hosting service providers in 6 continents, to the enterprise market. The team had recognized that, for enterprises looking to move applications to a private or hybrid cloud, the choices were both few and complex. Jelastic’s turnkey cloud stack, now named “Platform-as-Infrastructure”, provided an immediate solution to “cloudify” legacy applications and provide developers and architects with an agile and rapid way to deploy and manage business applications.
Today, Jelastic’s Platform-as-Infrastructure is rapidly becoming the standard for hosting service providers worldwide and is penetrating the enterprise market by delivering a superior turnkey cloud environment at a fraction of the cost of existing virtualization solutions.